• 2022 – Happy New Tennis Year!

    2022 – Happy New Tennis Year!

    Happy New Year from Bath Tennis Club. Let’s hope 2022 is going to be a great tennis year!

    This is a brief reminder of what’s going on in January as well as all the usual organised club play and adult caching sessions. Hope to see you on court soon.

    Key Dates:

    January Open Fitness Taster Sessions, 3 January 2022 16:00pm
    Bath Ace / Vibe Fitness Boot Camp, 3 – 29 January 2022 Various
    Bath Tennis Club AGM, 21 February 19:00pm

    Booking Links:

    Court Booking                                                    https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BathTennisClub/Booking

    Adult & Junior Coaching Sessions               https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BathTennisClub/Coaching


    Court Resurfacing

    We performed the court clean down and algae treatment prior to Christmas and can expect an update in mid-January as to the timeline for commencement of the hardcourt resurfacing to take place. Meanwhile as the courts are so old, getting a firm grip is challenging. Please do take care when playing and test your footwear on the surface before playing.


    Adult January Tennis & Fitness Boot Camp

    To get things started we will be running a Tennis Fitness Taster Open Session, free to all that wish to come along on Monday, January 3. From 16:00pm onwards.

    Cardio Tennis, Tennis Drills, Conditioning and Circuits – Hosted by Simon, Joe & Sam.

    Please use the link to book your free slot



    Boot camp

    Why not treat yourself and sign up to the Bath Ace & Vibe Fitness – January Calorie Busting Boot Camp (3 January – Friday, 29 January) 8 Sessions a week. Check out the timetable using the link provided – (https://www.facebook.com/events/1613752798964299?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D) . £175 members / £200 non-members). A great way to start the New Year!

    We will be back later in the week with a schedule of the tennis and non tennis events coming up in January, February & March.

    Thank you for your continued support, keep safe whilst enjoying your tennis and do get the New Year off to a great start..


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