
We offer a range of adult coaching –

Click here for latest schedule and booking – https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/BathTennisClub/Coaching 

for more information call Rich or Andrew on the numbers below.

Tuesday 7.45pm – 9pm
Adult Coaching (1 coach – Brandon Jaggon).
Improvers’ adult coaching followed by club play! 

Thursday 7.30pm – 9pm
Advanced Adult Coaching (1 coach – Rich Little).
The emphasis is very much on match play tactics for competent regular league players.

Friday 9.30am – 11.00am
Ladies’ Morning Coach and Play (1 coach – Andrew Kettle)
A variety of technical and tactical coaching for an hour, followed by half an hour of game play. After the session, the Club provides tea, coffee and biscuits in the Club.

Sunday 11.00am –12.30pm
Adult Coach and Social (1 coach – on a rota basis, Rich Little and Andrew Kettle)
Improvers’ adult coaching followed by club play! 

Monthly Sunday 9 – 11am
Specialist Ladies’ Clinics (2 coaches – Rich Little and Andrew Kettle)
Differing themes each month.


  • Enhance your technique
  • Develop match play tactics
  • Individual or group coaching
  • Block payment options


  • Rich Little (07970 438 907)

    LTA licensed level 4 coach (SCC) with 20 years experience – Head Coach
  • Andrew Kettle (07823 321 993)

    PTR Certified Tennis Instructor – Club Manager


  • Group – Member one off lesson

  • Group – Non-member one off lesson

  • Individual lesson (per hour)

    £32.50m £37.50nm