• Bath TC – Our Easter Message

    Bath TC – Our Easter Message

    Dear Members

    We do hope you and your family are keeping safe and well during this most disruptive and unprecedented time? With so much uncertainty as to when we may be able to return to the tennis courts, it’s difficult to plan ahead! 

    That being said, there is much your Community Amateur Tennis Club needs to do this year. It is exactly 10 years since I took on the role of Club Manager at Bath Tennis Club. In those 10 years I believe we’ve made good progress, but still feel there is much more for us to do and offer, to ensure the longevity of our precious outdoor recreational space, which we all love.

    In 2010 we successfully negotiated our 10-year lease renewal at great cost! And now in 2020 we must do it again. For 2021 we need to decide on the format of the club moving forward, our hard courts are due an overhaul, which presents a wonderful opportunity for us all to discuss the structure of the courts and the facilities we’d like to have on offer going forward into the future.

    Now, against such an unprecedented amount of uncertainty, it’s quite a challenge. This is where I ask you as existing members to play your part.  The membership renewal deadline is the 26th April. I’d like to thank those who have paid their fees already, with messages of support and commitment to the longevity of our club. We have generously received small overpayments by a few members who wanted to contribute to the lost earnings, as we continue to remain closed. This is a first in my time as Club Manger, but such small gestures have substantial positive impacts

    What I’m asking now, is that you pay your membership fees, as you normally would, before the deadline. Then together we will have a better understanding of what we can achieve this year. Our free tennis balls offer will now extend to all members renewing before the deadline 😊 We will then have our prize draw in May for all our eligible members. Our message and commitment to you is if the year becomes substantially affected, with much tennis playing time disruption, we will then address this, at the time of the 2021-22 membership renewal, as only then will we know the true impact of the situation.

    In support of the club, my family Dawn, Brandon, Max & Cookie have all contributed to supporting a place we hold dear to us and we have paid in a total of £550. For us, the club represents true value for money. We have determined this by a simple tennis per hour measurement – if we could play a minimum of 30 hours on court in the year, then effectively, all the other benefits of the club are thrown in! And the other benefits are wide reaching – outdoor safe space (Max & Cookie), a place to meet and have a hot or cold beverages, day or night! Tennis fun, workout fun, Bootcamps, competitions, bbq’s, tennis holidays, away weekends, parties and much more.  

    I know we are all missing tennis right now, but we will get our chance again to meet up and play, very soon I’m sure. In the meantime, if you can let me know when you have paid you fees, how much you have paid and by what method. You can send me a simple text and I will mark it as paid, thank you.

    You can pay in 2 easy ways -by Bank transfer to

    Bath Tennis Club, sort code 56 00 34, Account number 60663405 or

    card by following the link provided : https://andrewkettle.selz.com/categories/all

    (Please do not send cheques to the clu. If your details have not changed you don’t need to complete a form either!)

    Moving forward and to keep our tennis community connected and together we will be launching our new virtual tennis programme of activities this Tuesday, which you can all access. This includes my Cardio Tennis Stream HIIT workouts, Richard’s Family Tennis Fun sessions and your chance to participate in our Zoom Tennis Quiz night next Saturday 18th April from 8pm!  

    For now keep well and stay safe, enjoy the Easter weekend sunshine and thank you for your contiuned support! Best wishes Andrew. 

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